We were very privileged to engage four highly experienced and talented Japan-based professionals to lead our students through their projects.
While we were still in lockdown in Melbourne and unable to meet physically, our workshop leaders in Japan were facing a rise in COVID-19 cases as well and had become used to collaborating online. They held workshops with our students every second day on Zoom throughout the program, guiding them through concept and prototype development, alongside providing in-depth feedback through online critique sessions.
Design students were guided by Miho Tanaka and Alvaro Arregui, while Film, TV and animation students were guided by Sumito Sakakibara and Yusuke Horaguchi.
Guest Speakers
The Collaborative Design Project is where Deakin Design students develop real world skills working directly with real world clients to help solve tangible issues that the clients and their audiences face.

The Collaborative Design Project is where Deakin Design students develop real world skills working directly with real world clients to help solve tangible issues that the clients and their audiences face.